Perspektiven einer Qualitativen Stilometrie am Beispiel stilschichtig abgesenkter Lexeme

  • Elisabeth Eder Universität Klagenfurt
  • Ulrike Krieg-Holz Universität Klagenfurt


Here we outline an approach to stylometry, which intends to be more comprehensive compared to classical stylistic metrics and its commonly used lexical frequency counts. As a prerequisite, such an approach needs language data as a basis for its stylistic analyses. In this paper, we describe the acquisition of two relevant resources: First, we depict collecting and preparing CodE Alltag, a German-language email corpus, which contains formal expressions as well as informal and personal interactions, and thus possesses a high stylistic variability. Envisaging the analysis of the vulgar, rough or obscene dimensions of style, we then detail inducing VulGer, a lexical resource covering the lower end of the German language register.

Language and Linguistics: Results