Lexical borrowing in Slovene green energy terminology
The paper presents the most common types of lexical borrowing in Slovene green energy terminology and the languages this particular field generally borrows from, with a special emphasis on calques and doublets, which often occur as a result of borrowing from these languages, e.g., odlagališče (also: deponija) ‘landfill’, odlagališčni plin (also: deponijski plin) ‘landfill gas’, biotska raznovrstnost (also: biodiverziteta, biotska pestrost, biološka raznovrstnost) ‘biodiversity’, and albedo (also: odbojnost) ‘albedo’.
The examples of lexical borrowing are taken from the English-Slovene Dictionary of Green Energy Terms (Mrhar 2015) and analyzed with the help of a small corpus compiled for the purposes of this study, containing a limited number of Slovene articles on green energy and their English translations. The paper furthermore concentrates on the variety of vocabulary deployed in texts pertaining to the field and assesses both unproblematic and problematic cases of lexical borrowing.